1 | P a g e Gnostic and Apostolic Successions, Fraternal Degrees of Allen Greenfield
A statement on spiritual legacy by Rt. Rev. T Allen Greenfield
It is my own conviction that verifiable spiritual powers are demonstrably attributable to various lineages of spiritual succession, be this the so-called “Succession of the Apostles” (which descends from the ancient Roman State Religion through Roman Christianity), various non-apostolic but similar lines of succession (Latter Day Saints, Doinel Gnostic, New Aeon, et al), or blood lineages as in the hereditary Hindu Brahmins or Hebrew Kohenim, from which I descend. I profess only two fundamental convictions in these endeavors: I advocate Scientific Illuminism, or the method of science employed in pursuit of the aims of religion, and I holds firmly to the conviction that the world as-it-is is sufficiently unsatisfactory that exploration of almost any ethical “out-of-the-box” alternative, however unconventional, is worth the effort. We consider this Tikkun Olom, the attempt to improve the world as envisioned in our native great Hebraic tradition.
This document has a long history of development, beginning in the 1980s in an effort to trace my own lineages, on my web site now called “ASSEMBLY OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM OF SOLOMON-LODGE OF THE SONS & DAUGHTERS OF AARON” and revised in 2010, work done by Tau Apiryon in the early 1990s and additional work by Tau Dositheos, Tau Thomas, Tau Sunce, Tau Samlah and myself, done in the first decade of the 21st Century C.E. Much standard source material has also been repeatedly consulted.
I. Syrian-Antiochene (Ferrette Succession 1) 6/2/1866 Ignatius Peter III (Mar Bedros, Bishop of Emesa)/Julius Ferrette 1874 Ferrette (Mar Julius I, Bishop of Iona)/Richard Williams Morgan 1879 Morgan (Mar Pelagius I, Hierarch of Caerleon-on-Usk, first Patriarch of the Ancient British Church)/Charles Issac Stevens 1890 Stevens (Mar Theophilus, second Patriarch of the Ancient British Church)/Leon Chechemian, Vartapet of the Armenian Uniate Church 11/2/1897 Chechemian (Mar Leon, Archbishop of Selsey in the Ancient British Church, Archbishop of the Free Protestant Episcopal Church in England)/Charles Albert McLaglen (Bishop of Claremont) 6/4/1922 McLaglen (Mar Andries, fourth Patriarch of the Ancient British Church)/Herbert James Monzani Heard, Bishop of Selsey 6/13/1943 Heard (Mar Jacobus II, fifth Patriarch of the Ancient British Church, Bishop Primus of the Free Protestant Episcopal Church, Grand Master of the Order of St. James)/William Bernard Crowe (Mar Bernard, Bishop of Santa Sophia) 4/10/1944 Crowe (Mar Basilius Abdullah III, Patriarch of the Ancient Orthodox Catholic Church, Ekklesia Agia Sophia, and the Western Orthodox Catholic Church, Catholicate of the West, and Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Wisdom)/Hugh George de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman (Mar Georgius, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Glastonbury and Catholicos of the West, sixth Patriarch of the Ancient British Church)/Ronald Powell (Richard Jean Chretien Duc de Palatine) 1965 de Palatine (Archon of the Ancient Mystic Order of the Fratres Lucis, Lord Abbot of the Order of St. Raphael, the Pre-Nicene Gnostic Church, the Sovereign Imperium of the Mysteries, the International Brotherhood of the Pleroma, and the Ancient and Universal Pan-Sophic Rite of Freemasonry)/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) II. Syrian-Antiochene (Ferrette Succession 2) 1874 Julius Ferrette (Mar Julius I, Bishop of Iona)/Richard Williams Morgan 1879 Morgan/Charles Isaac Stevens 1890 Stevens/Leon Chechemian 1890 Chechemian/James Martin 2 | P a g e 1916 Martin (Archbishop and Patriarch of the Free Protestant Church of England)/Benjamin Charles Harris 11/17/1944 Harris (Bishop of Essex)/Charles Leslie Saul 1/8/1950 Saul (Mar Leofric, Archbishop of Suthronia)/Thomas Tollenaar 4/4/1951 Tollenaar (Old Catholic Bishop of Arnhem)/Joseph Marie Thiesen (Mar Justinos) 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland (Mar Joannes Maria, Archbishop of the Ancient Catholic Church of France, Prince Patriarch of the Primitive Catholic and Apostolic Church of Orthodox Antioch, Syro-Byzantine Rite)/Christopher C. J. Stanley 6/21/1064 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) III. Armenian Uniate (Chechemian Succession) 4/23/1879 Archbishop Chorchorunian of Malatia/Leon Chechemian, Vartapet and Titular Bishop of Malatia. 11/2/1897 Chechemian/Charles Albert McLaglen 6/4/1922 McLaglen/Herbert James Monzani Heard 6/13/1943 Heard/William Bernard Crowe 4/10/1944 Crowe/Hugh George de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) IV. Order of Corporate Reunion (Lee Succession) 1877 Secret consecration of Dr. F. G. Lee and Thomas W. Mossman in Venice 1879 Lee/Charles Isaac Stevens 1890 Stevens/Leon Chechemian 11/2/1897 Chechemian/Charles Albert McLaglen 6/4/1922 McLaglen/Herbert James Monzani Heard 6/13/1943 Heard/William Bernard Crowe 4/10/1944 Crowe/High George de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 3 | P a g e 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) V. Syrian-Malabar (Vilatte Succession 1) 7/29/1889 Mar Paul Athanasius (Bishop of Kottayam, Jacobite Patriarch of Antioch – Syrian Jacobite Church)/Antonio Francisco Xavier Alvarez 6/5/1892 Alvarez (Mar Julius I, Metropolitan of the Independent Catholic Church of Ceylon, Goa and India)/Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos) 12/19/1915 Vilatte/Frederick Ebenezer Lloyd, Archbishop of the American Catholic Church 10/28/1929 Lloyd, Primate of the American Catholic Church/John Churchill Sibley 10/6/1935 Sibley (Exarch of the Order of Antioch, Primate of the Orthodox Catholic Church in England)/John Sebastian Marlow Ward 8/25/1945 Ward (Mar John, Archbishop of Olivet, 33rd degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite)/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) VI. Syrian-Malabar (Vilatte Succession 2) 12/19/1915 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Frederick Ebenezer Lloyd, Archbishop of the American Catholic Church 6/24/1924 Lloyd, Primate of the American Catholic Church/Axel Zacharias Fryxell 4/17/1927 Fryxell/Arthur Edward Leighton 6/4/1929 Leighton/William Albert Nichols 5/8/1934 Nichols (Ignatius, Archbishop of Washington D.C.)/George W. Plummer 6/22/1924 Plummer (Archbishop Georgius, Primate of the Anglican Universal Church and the Holy Orthodox Church in America)/Arthur Wolfort Brooks 9/16/1934 Brooks (Mar John Emmanuel, Founder of the Apostolic Episcopal Church)/Charles W. Keller 4/29/1945 Keller (Mar Carolus, Titular Bishop of Amersbury/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) VII. Syrian-Malabar (Vilatte Succession 3) 4 | P a g e 12/19/1915 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Frederick Ebenezer Lloyd, Archbishop of the American Catholic Church 7/21/1923 Lloyd, Primate of the American Catholic Church/Samuel Gregory Lines, Archbishop of the Province of the Pacific for the American Catholic Church 12/21/1927 Lines/Joseph Justin A. Boyle (Robert Raleigh, ―Bishop Justin‖) 6/27/1965 Boyle/Herman Adrian Spruit 6/15/1971 Spruit (Primate of the Church of Antioch, Malabar Rite)/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) VIII. Syrian-Malabar (Vilatte Succession 4) 12/19/1915 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Frederick Ebenezer Lloyd, Archbishop of the American Catholic Church (1859-1933) 7/21/1923 Lloyd, Primate of the American Catholic Church/Samuel Gregory Lines, Archbishop of the Province of the Pacific for the American Catholic Church 12/21/1927 Lines/Joseph Justin A. Boyle, AKA Robert Raleigh, AKA ―Bishop Justin‖ 8/30/1930 Boyle/Lowell Paul Wadle 8/23/1945 Wadle (Primate of the American Catholic Apostolic Church of Long Beach)/Charles J. Hampton 6/22/1957 Hampton/Herman Adrian Spruit 6/15/1971 Spruit/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) IX. Syrian-Malabar (Vilatte Succession 5) 5/6/1900 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 12/27/1908 Miraglia Gulotti/William Whitebrook 4/7/1912 Whitebrook/Basil Maurice Stannard 7/27/1947 Stannard (Bishop of Walsingham)/Aloysius Stumpfl 4/17/1949 Stumpfl (Mar Timotheos, Metropolitan of Aquilea)/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 5 | P a g e X. Syrian-Gallican (Vilatte Succession 6) 5/6/1900 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 12/4/1904 Miraglia Gulotti/Jules Ernest Houssaye (Mar Julio, primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise) 6/21/1911 Houssaye/Louis Marie Francois Giraud 12/28/1921 Giraud (Primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise, or Eglise Gallicane)/Pierre Gaston Vigue 6/3/1924 Vigue (Bishop-Consultant of the Syro-Jacobite Episcopate in the West)/Aloysius Stumpfl 6/22/1947 Stumpfl/Charles Leslie Saul 7/14/1947 Saul (Mar Leofric, Archbishop of Suthronia)/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XI. Syrian-Gallican (Vilatte Succession 7) 5/6/1900 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 12/4/1904 Miraglia Gulotti/Jules Ernest Houssaye (Mar Julio, primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise) 6/21/1911 Houssaye/Louis Marie Francois Giraud 12/28/1921 Giraud (Primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise, or Eglise Gallicane)/Pierre Gaston Vigue 6/3/1924 Vigue (Bishop-Consultant of the Syro-Jacobite Episcopate in the West)/Aloysius Stumpfl 6/22/1947 Stumpfl/Charles Leslie Saul 1/8/1950 Saul (Mar Leofric, Archbishop of Suthronia)/Thomas Tollenaar 4/4/1951 Tollenaar/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XII. Syrian-Gallican (Vilatte Succession 8) 5/6/1900 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 12/4/1904 Miraglia Gulotti/Jules Ernest Houssaye (Mar Julio, primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise) 6/21/1911 Houssaye/Louis Marie Francois Giraud 2/2/1930 Giraud (Primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise, or Eglise Gallicane)/Bernard-Isidore Jalbert-Ville 8/12/1951 Jalbert-Ville/Jean Rene Malvy 6 | P a g e 7/11/1954 Malvy/ Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland (Mar Joannes Maria, Archbishop of the Ancient Catholic Church of France, Prince Patriarch of the Primitive Catholic and Apostolic Church of Orthodox Antioch, Syro-Byzantine Rite)/Christopher C. J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XIII. Syrian-Gallican (Vilatte Succession 9) 5/6/1900 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 12/4/1904 Miraglia Gulotti/Jules Ernest Houssaye (Mar Julio, primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise) 6/21/1911 Houssaye/Louis Marie Francois Giraud 12/28/1921 Giraud (Primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise, or Eglise Gallicane)/Pierre Gaston Vigue 6/3/1924 Vigue (Bishop-Consultant of the Syro-Jacobite Episcopate in the West)/Aloysius Stumpfl 4/17/1949 Stumpfl/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland (Mar Joannes Maria, Archbishop of the Ancient Catholic Church of France, Prince Patriarch of the Primitive Catholic and Apostolic Church of Orthodox Antioch, Syro-Byzantine Rite)/Christopher C. J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XIV. Syrian-Gallican (Vilatte Succession 10) 5/6/1900 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 1908 Miraglia Gulotti/ Joseph Zielonko 6/2/1951 Zielonko/Joachim Souris 10/3/1964 Souris/Walter M. Propheta 1965 Propheta/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 7 | P a g e XV. Syrian-Gallican-Gnostic (Vilatte Succession 11) 5/6/1900 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 12/4/1904 Miraglia Gulotti/Jules Ernest Houssaye (Mar Julio, primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise) 6/21/1911 Houssaye/Louis Marie Francois Giraud 7/21/1913 Giraud (Primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise, or Eglise Gallicane)/Jean Bricaud (Tau Johannes) 5/15/1918 Bricaud/Victor Blanchard (Tau Targelius) 1/7/1945 Blanchard/Roger Menard (Tau Jean III) 6/10/1946 Menard/Robert Ambelain (Tau Eon II) 1/27/1949 1/25/1953 11/2/1959 Ambelain (Tau Eon II)/Hector Francois Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo III) 8/15/1963 1/25/1966 6/29/1973 Jean-Main/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XVI. Syrian-Gallican-Gnostic (Vilatte Succession 12) 5/6/1900 Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos)/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 12/4/1904 Miraglia Gulotti/Jules Ernest Houssaye (Mar Julio, primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise) 6/21/1911 Houssaye/Louis Marie Francois Giraud 1/5/1936 Giraud (Primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise, or Eglise Gallicane)/Constant Chevillon (Tau Harmonius) 9/3/1938 Chevillon/Antoine Fayolle (Tau Marcos) 1948 Fayolle/Charles-Henry Dupont (Tau Charles-Henry) 1/25/1953 Dupont/Hector Francois Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo III) 8/15/1963 1/25/1966 6/29/1973 Jean-Main/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XVII. Syrian-Gallican-Gnostic (Vilatte Succession 13) (?) Roland Merritt Shreves (Tau IX)/Pierre-Antoine St. Charles (Tau Eon III, Tau VIII) 8/31/1968 St. Charles/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 8 | P a g e XVIII. Syrian-Antiochene-Jacobite (Vilatte Succession 14) 5/29/1892 Archbishop Julius Alvares/Joseph Rene Vilatte (Mar Timotheos) 5/6/1900 Vilatte/Paolo Miraglia Gulotti, Bishop of Piacenza 12/4/1904 Miraglia Gulotti /Julien Houssaye (Mar Julio, primate of Eglise Catholique Francaise) 7/21/1911 Houssaye/Louis Francois Giraud 7/12/1913 Giraud/Jean Bricaud (Tau Johannes) 5/5/1918 Bricaud/Victor Blanchard (Tau Targelius) 1/7/1945 Blanchard/Roger Menard (Tau Jean III) 6/10/1946 Menard/Robert Ambelain (Tau Eon II) 5/26/1958 Ambelain/Roger Pommery 9/16/1967 Pommery/Willer Vital Herne 9/7/1970 Vital Herne/Roger Victor Herard 1/9/1985 Victor Herard/Jorge Rodriguez (Tau Johannes XXIII) 11/14/1985 Rodriguez/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 12/4/1993 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XIX. Old Catholic, Syrian-Antiochene, Syrian-Malabar (Matthew Succession 1) 4/28/1908 Gerard Gul (Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht)/Arnold Harris Mathew, Count Povoleri di Vicenza, Nogarote e Verona, fourth Earl of Llandaff 6/29/1913 Mathew/Rudolph Francis Edward St. Patrick Alphonsus Ghislain de Gramont Hamilton de Lorraine-Brabant, Prince de Landas Berghes et de Rache, Duc de St. Winock 10/4/1916 de Landas/Carmel Henry Carfora 3/19/1931 Carfora (Supreme Primate of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church)/Mather W. Sherwood 1965 Sherwood/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XX. Old Catholic (Matthew Succession 2) 6/29/1913 Mathew/Rudolph Francis Edward St. Patrick Alphonsus Ghislain de Gramont Hamilton de Lorraine-Brabant, Prince de Landas Berghes et de Rache, Duc de St. Winock 10/4/1916 de Landas/Carmel Henry Carfora 2/11/1924 Carfora (Supreme Primate of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church)/Edwin Wallace Hunter 3/24/1929 Hunter/Wallace David de Ortega Maxey 6/6/1946 de Ortega Maxey /de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 9 | P a g e 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXI. Old Catholic (Matthew Succession 3) 6/29/1913 Mathew/Rudolph Francis Edward St. Patrick Alphonsus Ghislain de Gramont Hamilton de Lorraine-Brabant, Prince de Landas Berghes et de Rache, Duc de St. Winock 10/4/1916 de Landas/Carmel Henry Carfora 2/11/1924 Carfora (Supreme Primate of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church)/Edwin Wallace Hunter 3/24/1929 Hunter/Wallace David de Ortega Maxey 6/5/1946 de Ortega-Maxey (Mar David I, Patriarch of Malaga)/Charles Leslie Saul 1/8/1950 Saul/Thomas Tolenaar 4/4/1951 Tollenaar/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/ Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXII. Old Catholic (Matthew Succession 4) 6/29/1913 Mathew/Rudolph Francis Edward St. Patrick Alphonsus Ghislain de Gramont Hamilton de Lorraine-Brabant, Prince de Landas Berghes et de Rache, Duc de St. Winock 10/4/1916 de Landas/Carmel Henry Carfora 2/11/1924 Carfora (Supreme Primate of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church)/Edwin Wallace Hunter 3/24/1929 Hunter/Wallace David de Ortega Maxey 6/5/1946 de Ortega-Maxey (Mar David I, Patriarch of Malaga)/Charles Leslie Saul 1/8/1950 Saul/Thomas Tolenaar 4/4/1951 Tollenaar/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/ Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 10 | P a g e 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXIII. Old Catholic (Matthew Succession 5) 6/29/1913 Mathew/Rudolph Francis Edward St. Patrick Alphonsus Ghislain de Gramont Hamilton de Lorraine-Brabant, Prince de Landas Berghes et de Rache, Duc de St. Winock 10/4/1916 de Landas/Carmel Henry Carfora 6/17/1945 Carfora (Supreme Primate of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church)/Earl A. James 12/25/1950 James (Bishop of Toronto)/Grant Timothy Billett 1957 Billett (Patriarch of the Old Catholic Church in North America)/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/ Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXIV. Old Catholic (Matthew Succession 6) 6/29/1913 Mathew/Rudolph Francis Edward St. Patrick Alphonsus Ghislain de Gramont Hamilton de Lorraine-Brabant, Prince de Landas Berghes et de Rache, Duc de St. Winock 10/3/1916 de Landas/William Henry Francis Brothers 1925 Brothers (Bishop Gregorios, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Old Catholic Church in America)/William Montgomery Brown 1/2/1927 Brown (Auxiliary Bishop of the Old Catholic Church in America)/Wallace David de Ortega Maxey 6/6/1946 de Ortega Maxey (Mar David I, Patriarch of Malaga)/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXV. Old Catholic (Matthew Succession 7) 6/29/1913 Mathew/Rudolph Francis Edward St. Patrick Alphonsus Ghislain de Gramont Hamilton de Lorraine-Brabant, Prince de Landas Berghes et de Rache, Duc de St. Winock 10/3/1916 de Landas/William Henry Francis Brothers 1925 Brothers (Bishop Gregorios, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Old Catholic Church in America)/William Montgomery Brown 11 | P a g e 1/2/1927 Brown (Auxiliary Bishop of the Old Catholic Church in America)/Wallace David de Ortega Maxey 6/5/1946 de Ortega-Maxey (Mar David I, Patriarch of Malaga)/Charles Leslie Saul 1/8/1950 Saul/Thomas Tolenaar 4/4/1951 Tollenaar/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/ Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXVI. Old Catholic (Mathew Succession 8) 10/28/1914 Arnold Harris Mathew/Frederick Samuel Willoughby 7/9/1922 Willoughby/James Bartholomew Banks 5/28/1940 Banks (Mar James I, Patriarch of the Old Catholic Orthodox Church)/Sidney Ernest Page Needham 1/4/1945 Needham (Mar Theodorus, Bishop of Mercia)/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/ Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXVII. Liberal Catholic (Mathew Succession 9) 10/28/1914 Arnold Harris Mathew/Frederick Samuel Willoughby 2/13/1916 Willoughby (Bishop of Saint Pancrace/James Ingall Wedgwood 7/13/1919 Wedgwood (Liberal Catholic Bishop for Western Europe)/Irving Steiger Cooper (Liberal Catholic Regionary Bishop for the USA) 9/13/1931 Cooper/Charles J. Hampton (Liberal Catholic Auxiliary Bishop for the USA) 6/22/1957 Hampton/Herman Adrian Spruit 6/15/1971 Spruit/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/ Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 12 | P a g e XXVIII. Qaubalistic Alchemist Church 1967 William Wallace Webb (Frater Damon)/Marc A. Lully (Tau IV) 12/25/1967 Lully/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) XIX. Syro-Chaldean, Roman Catholic (Herford Succession) 12/17/1862 Simon Reuben, Mar Benjamin Shimun XVII, Nestorian Patriarch of Seleucia-Ctesiphon of the Catholic Church of India/Antony Thondanetta 7/24/1899 Thondanetta (Mar Antonios Ibd-Ishu (Metropolitan of the Indian Mellusian Church)/Luis Mariano Soares 11/30/1902 Soares (Mar Basilius, Metropolitan of India, Ceylon, Goa and Mylapore) /Ulric Vernon Herford 2/28/1919 Herford (Mar Jacobus, Bishop of Mercia and Middlesex) /William Stanley McBean Knight 10/18/1931 Knight (Mar Paulus, Bishop of Kent) /Hedley Coward Bartlett 5/20/1945 Bartlett (Mar Hedley, Bishop of Siluria)/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXX. Chaldean-Uniate 1917 Mgr. Emmanuel Thomas II (Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldean Uniate Church)/Antonio Lebferne 5/4/1925 Lebferne/Arthur Wolfort Brooks 9/16/1934 Brooks (Mar John Emmanuel, head of the Apostolic Episcopal Church) /Charles W. Keller 4/29/1945 Keller (Mar Carolus, Titular Bishop of Amersbury) /de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXXI. Russian Orthodox 5/11/1917 Archbishop Evdokim/Aftimios Ofiesh (1890-1971) 13 | P a g e 9/29/1932 Ofiesh (Archbishop of Brooklyn, founder of the American Orthodox Church)/William Albert Nichols (d. 1946) 5/8/1934 Nichols (Ignatius, Archbishop of Washington D.C.)/George W. Plummer 6/22/1924 Plummer (Archbishop Georgius, Primate of the Anglican Universal Church and the Holy Orthodox Church in America)/Arthur Wolfort Brooks 9/16/1934 Brooks (Mar John Emmanuel, head of the Apostolic Episcopal Church) /Charles W. Keller 4/29/1945 Keller (Mar Carolus, Titular Bishop of Amersbury) /de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXXII. Coptic Orthodox 5/27/1947 Archbishop St. John-the-Divine Hickersayon/Dennis Quartey Arthur 11/19/1951 Arthur (Mar Lukos, Bishop of Lagos, Accra and Trinidad)/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXXIII. Polish Mariavite I 10/5/1909 Gerard Gul (Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht)/John Michael Kowalski 9/4/1938 Kowalski, Archbishop of Felicianov and Primate of the Old Catholic Church of the Marivites)/Marc Marie Paul Fatome 10/9/1949 Fatome (Regionary Bishop of France)/Paulus Marie Helmut Norbert Maas 5/24/1953 Maas (Regionary Bishop of Germany)/Efrem Mauro Fusi 4/14/1955 Fusi (Regionary Bishop of Italy)/Julian E. Erni 5/2/1957 Erni (Founder of the Ecumenical League of Christian Unity, Pastor of the Free Swiss Church)/Johann Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 14 | P a g e XXXIV. Polish Mariavite II 9/4/1938 John Michael Kowalski, Archbishop of Felicianov and Primate of the Old Catholic Church of the Marivites)/Marc Marie Paul Fatome 10/9/1949 Fatome (Regionary Bishop of France)/Paulus Marie Helmut Norbert Maas 5/24/1953 Maas (Regionary Bishop of Germany)/Efrem Mauro Fusi 5/26/1954 Efrem Mauro Fusi (Regionary Bishop of Italy)/Clement Alfia Sgroi-Marchese 9/18/1954 Sgroi-Marchese (Mariavite Bishop in Italy)/Harold Percival Nicholson (Mar Johannes) 3/20/1955 Nicholson/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXXV. Polish Mariavite III 9/4/1938 John Michael Kowalski, Archbishop of Felicianov and Primate of the Old Catholic Church of the Marivites)/Marc Marie Paul Fatome 10/9/1949 Fatome (Regionary Bishop of France)/Paulus Marie Helmut Norbert Maas 8/9/1953 Maas (Regionary Bishop of Germany)/Jean Andreas Prevost 5/5/1956 Prevost/Robert Bonnet 8/15/1960 Bonnet/Carlos Adhemar 8/15/1963 6/29/1973 Adhemar/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXXVI. Polish Mariavite IV 9/4/1938 John Michael Kowalski, Archbishop of Felicianov and Primate of the Old Catholic Church of the Marivites)/Marc Marie Paul Fatome 10/9/1949 Fatome (Regionary Bishop of France)/Paulus Marie Helmut Norbert Maas 8/9/1953 Maas (Regionary Bishop of Germany)/Jean Andreas Prevost 5/5/1956 Prevost/Robert Bonnet 8/15/1960 Bonnet/Carlos Adhemar 11/2/1963 Carlos Adhemar/Hector Francois Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo III) 8/15/1963 1/25/1966 15 | P a g e 6/29/1973 Jean-Maine/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XXXVII. Nonjuring Anglican 11/14/1794 Robert Kilgour (Nonjuring Bishop of Aberdeen)/Samuel Seabury 9/17/1792 Seabury (Nonjuring Bishop of Connecticut)/Thomas John Clagett 5/7/1797 Clagett (Nonjuring Bishop of Maryland)/Edward Bass 10/18/1797 Bass (Nonjuring Bishop of Massachusetts)/Abraham Jarvis 5/28/1811 Jarvis (Nonjuring Bishop of Connecticut)/John Henry Hobart 10/25/1827 Hobart (Nonjuring Bishop of Coadjutor of New York)/Henry Ulrich Onderdonk 7/7/1836 Onderdonk/Samuel Allen MacCoskry 12/8/1875 MacCoskry (Nonjuring Bishop of Michigan)/William Edward MacLaren 6/24/1898 MacLaren (Nonjuring Bishop of Chicago)/William Montgomery Brown 1/2/1927 Brown (Nonjuring Bishop of Arkansas)/Wallace David de Ortega Maxey 6/6/1946 de Ortega Maxey/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) XXXVIII. Nonjuring Anglican II 11/14/1794 Robert Kilgour (Nonjuring Bishop of Aberdeen)/Samuel Seabury 9/17/1792 Seabury (Nonjuring Bishop of Connecticut)/Thomas John Clagett 5/7/1797 Clagett (Nonjuring Bishop of Maryland)/Edward Bass 10/18/1797 Bass (Nonjuring Bishop of Massachusetts)/Abraham Jarvis 5/28/1811 Jarvis (Nonjuring Bishop of Connecticut)/John Henry Hobart 10/25/1827 Hobart (Nonjuring Bishop of Coadjutor of New York)/Henry Ulrich Onderdonk 7/7/1836 Onderdonk/Samuel Allen MacCoskry 12/8/1875 MacCoskry (Nonjuring Bishop of Michigan)/William Edward MacLaren 6/24/1898 MacLaren (Nonjuring Bishop of Chicago)/William Montgomery Brown 1/2/1927 Brown (Nonjuring Bishop of Arkansas)/Wallace David de Ortega Maxey 1/2/1927 Brown/Wallace David de Ortega Maxey 6/5/1946 de Ortega-Maxey/Charles Leslie Saul 1/8/1950 Saul/Thomas Tolenaar 4/4/1951 Tollenaar/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Marie Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 16 | P a g e 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) XXXIX. Catholic Apostolic Church “Irvingite” (Woodhouse Succession 1) 1832 Catholic Apostolic Church founded by Edward Irving 1834 Francis Valentine Woodhouse called to the New Apostolate (?) Woodhouse/Aloysius Stumpfl 6/20/1947 Stumpfl/Charles Leslie Saul 7/14/1947 Saul/de Willmott Newman 9/25/1953 de Willmott Newman/Richard, Duc de Palatine 1965 de Palatine/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) XL. Catholic Apostolic Church “Irvingite” (Woodhouse Succession 2) (?) Francis Valentine Woodhouse/Aloysius Stumpfl 6/20/1947 Stumpfl/Charles Leslie Saul 1/8/1950 Saul/Thomas Tolenaar 4/4/1951 Tollenaar/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Marie Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) XLI. Catholicate of the West (de Willmott Newman Succession 1) 9/18/1954 de Willmott Newman/Clement Alfia Sgroi-Marchese 9/22/1954 Sgroi-Marchese/Efrem Mauro Fusi 4/14/1955 Fusi/Julian E. Erni 5/2/1957 Erni/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 17 | P a g e 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) XLII. Catholicate of the West (de Willmott Newman Succession 2) 5/27/1950 de Willmott Newman/Harold Percival Nicholson (Mar Johannes) 3/20/1955 Nicholson/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) XLIII. Catholicate of the West (de Willmott Newman Succession 3) 6/22/1947 de Willmott Newman/Aloysius Stumpfl 4/17/1949 Stumpfl/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) XLIV. Catholicate of the West (de Willmott Newman Succession 4) 9/8/1945 de Willmott Newman/Charles Leslie Saul 1/8/1950 Saul/Thomas Tolenaar 4/4/1951 Tolenaar/Joseph Marie Thiesen 1/24/1954 Thiesen/Johann-Maria Bloom Van Assendelft-Altland 1958 Van Assendelft-Altland/Christopher C.J. Stanley 6/21/1964 Stanley/Francis H. Roebke 1965 Roebke/Forest E. Gregory Barber 6/16/1979 Barber/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) 18 | P a g e XLV. L’Eglise Gnostique de France (Doinel Succession 1) 9/18/1892 Jules Stanislas Doinel (Tau Valentin II, Founder and Patriarch of L’Eglise Gnostique)/Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse (Papus, Tau Vincent, 1865-1916) 6/24/1908 Dr. Encausse/Theodor Reuss 6/1/1912 Reuss (Carolus Albertus Theodorus Peregrinus, O.H.O. and Sovereign Patriarch and Primate of the Gnostic Catholic Church)/Aleister Crowley (1857-1947) (IX°) 1944 Crowley (O.H.O. and Sovereign Patriarch and Primate of the Gnostic Catholic Church)/Grady Louis McMurtry 1983 McMurtry (Caliph, Sovereign Patriarch and Primate of the Gnostic Catholic Church)/William Gary Keith Breeze (Tau Silenus) 1988 Breeze/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XLVI. L’Eglise Gnostique de France (Doinel Succession 2) 7/8/1894 Jules Stanislas Doinel (Tau Valentin II, Founder and Patriarch of L’Eglise Gnostique de France)/Leonce Eugene Joseph Fabre des Essarts (Tau Synesius) 1901 Fabre des Essarts (Tau Synesius, Second Patriarch of L’Eglise Gnostique de France)/Jean Bricaud (Tau Johannes) 6/24/1908 10/25/1912 Bricaud/Theodor Reuss (1855-1923 Gnostic Legate to Switzerland for L’Eglise Gnostique Universelle) 6/1/1912 Reuss (Carolus Albertus Theodorus Peregrinus, O.H.O. and Sovereign Patriarch and Primate of the Gnostic Catholic Church)/Aleister Crowley (1857-1947) (IX°) 1944 Crowley (O.H.O. and Sovereign Patriarch and Primate of the Gnostic Catholic Church)/Grady Louis McMurtry (Caliph, Sovereign Patriarch and Primate of the Gnostic Catholic Church) 1983 McMurtry /William Gary Keith Breeze (Tau Silenus) 1988 Breeze/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XLVII. L’Eglise Gnostique de France (Doinel Succession 3) 7/8/1894 Jules Stanislas Doinel (Tau Valentin II, Founder and Patriarch of L’Eglise Gnostique de France)/Leonce Eugene Joseph Fabre des Essarts (Tau Synesius) 1901 Fabre des Essarts (Tau Synesius, Second Patriarch of L’Eglise Gnostique de France)/Jean Bricaud (Tau Johannes) 5/15/1918 Bricaud/Victor Blanchard (Tau Targelius) 1/7/1945 Blanchard/Roger Menard (Tau Jean III) 6/10/1946 Menard/Robert Ambelain (Tau Eon II) 1/27/1949 1/25/1953 11/2/1959 Ambelain/Hector François Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo III) 19 | P a g e 8/15/1963 1/25/1966 6/29/1973 Jean-Maine/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XLVIII. L’Eglise Gnostique de France (Doinel Succession 4) 7/8/1894 Jules Stanislas Doinel (Tau Valentin II, Founder and Patriarch of L’Eglise Gnostique de France)/Leonce Eugene Joseph Fabre des Essarts (Tau Synesius) 1899 Fabre des Essarts (Tau Synesius, Second Patriarch of L’Eglise Gnostique de France)/Lucien François Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo I, 1869-1960) 1921 Jean-Maine/Martin Ortier de Sanchez y Marraga (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo II) 11/2/1963 Sanchez/Hector François Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo III) 8/15/1963 1/25/1966 6/29/1973 Jean-Maine/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 6/2/1968 7/24/1970 1973 Bertiaux/Jack B. Hogg, Jr. 8/12/1974 Hogg/William G.K. Breeze (Tau Silenus) 1988 Breeze/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) XLIX. Ecclesia Cabalistica Gnostica de Memphis Misraim 8/15/1899 Paul-Pierre de Marraga/Lucien François Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo I) 1/25/1953 Jean-Maine/Hector François Jean-Marie (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo III) 8/15/1963 1/25/1966 6/29/1973 Jean-Maine/Michael P. Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) L. Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis 8/15/1899 Paul Pierre de Marraga (Tau Orfeo VI/Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo I) 1921 Jean-Maine/Martin Ortier de Sanchez y Marraga (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo II) 11/2/1962 Sanchez y Marraga/Hector Francois Jean-Maine (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo III) 20 | P a g e 1/25/1966 Jean-Main/Michael Paul Bertiaux (Tau Ogdoade Orfeo IV, Patriarch of the Ecclesia Gnostica Spiritualis) 9/21/1986 Bertiaux/Allen Henry Greenfield (Tau Sir Hasirim, Assembly of the Knowledge and Wisdom of Solomon) 3/22/2008 Greenfield/William Albertus Coles (Tau Dositheos, the Coptic Gnostic Church) LINEAGES VIA TAU SUNCE & TAU SAMLAH LIBERAL CATHOLIC LINEAGE FROM UTRECHT: 1. Archbishop Gerald GUL consecrated Arnold H MATHEW on April 28,1908, as Old Catholic Bishop of England. 2. Bishop MATHEW consecrated: Frederic S WILLOUGHBY on October 28, 1914, as Old Catholic Bishop in England. 3. Bishop WILLOUGHBY consecrated Rupert GAUNTLETT and Robert KING on September 26, 1915 as bishops of the Old Roman Catholic Church in England. 4. Bishops GAUNTLETT and KING consecrated James I WEDGWOOD on February 13, 1916 as Old Roman Catholic Bishop of England and Ireland. 5. Bishop WEDGWOOD consecrated C W LEADBEATER on July 22, 1916 as bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church (Old Roman Catholic) for Australasia. LIBERAL CATHOLIC LINE: 6. Bishop LEADBEATER consecrated Irving S COOPER, July 13, 1919. 7. Bishop Cooper consecrated George S ARUNDALE. August 4. 1925. 8. Bishop Arundale consecrated Charles HAMPTON, September 13, 1931. 9. Bishop Hampton consecrated Hermann Adrian SPRUIT, June 22, 1957. 10. Bishop Spruit consecrated Bishop F Gregory BARBER, June 15, 1971. 11. On March 7, 1965, Bishop Roebke consecrated Ernest Forrest Gregory BARBER, as bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church in the USA. 12. On June 16, 1979, Bishop Barber consecrated Michael BERTIAUX, as bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Orthodox Church. 13. On June 2, 2006, Bishop and Patriarch Michael BERTIAUX consecrated Emir SALIHOVIC as bishop of Proculus Society and Neo Pythagorean – Gnostic Church. 14. On March 9 2008 Bishop and Patriarch of Ekklesia Gnostica Pneumatica T Emir SALIHOVIC consecrated Sergije Vulic for Ecclesiae Gnosticae Universalis in Balkan. 15. On September 4 2009 Bishop Sergije Vulic (Tau Sunce) consecrated Dr. Patrick MATHIS (Tau Samlah) as Bishop for Ecclesiae Gnosticae Universalis. 16. On February 4, 2010 Tau Samlah consecrated Allen Greenfield at Woodstock GA . I. Mariavite+Utrecht+Old Roman Catholic: 21 | P a g e 1. Gerald GUL, archbishop of Utrecht (Old Soman Catholic) consecrated Jean-Marie Michael KOWALSKI, bishop of the Mariavite-Old Roman Cath olics of Poland, assisted by Bishops: A H MATHEW, J J VANTHIEL, J DEMMEL, & M B P SPIT (all old catholic bishops) on October 5,1909. 2. On September 4, 1938, Michael KOWALSKI, archbishop of the Mariavite Catholic Church consecrated Marc-Marie-Paul FATOME. 3. On October 9, 1949, Marc FATOME, bishop of the Mariavites in France consecrated Helmut N P MAAS, as bishop of the Mariavites in Germany. 4. On May 24, 1953, Bishop MAAS consecrated Efrem-Maris FUSI, as. bishop of the Mariavites in Italy. 5. On May 26, 1954, Bishop FUSI consecrated Clement A S Marchese, as bishop of Naples and Sicily. 6. On September 18, 1954, Bishop MARCHESE consecrated Mar Georgius de WILLMOTT-NEWMAN, as bishop of the Mariavites in England. 7. On July 6, 1956, Bishop de WILLMOTT-NEWMAN consecrated C D BOLTWOOD as bishop of the Free Episcopal Church in England. 8. On August 31,1958, Bishop B0LTW00D consecrated Emmett N ENOCHS, as bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church in the USA. 9. On May 19, 1963, Bishop Enochs consecrated Demetrius F C KING, as bishop of the American Orthodox Church. 10. On January 1, 1965, Bishop KING consecrated Francis Homer ROEBKE, as Bishop of the American Orthodox Church (Catholic Rite). 11. On March 7, 1965, Bishop Roebke consecrated F Gregory BARBER, as bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church in the USA. 12. On June 16, 1979, Bishop Barber consecrated Michael BERTIAUX, as bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Orthodox Church. 13. On June 2, 2006, Bishop and Patriarch Michael BERTIAUX consecrated Emir SALIHOVIC as bishop of Proculus Society and Neo Pythagorean – Gnostic Church. 14. On March 9 2008 Bishop and Patriarch of Ekklesia Gnostica Pneumatica T Emir SALIHOVIC consecrated Sergije Vulic for Ecclesiae Gnosticae Universalis in Balkan. 15. On September 4 2009 Bishop Sergije Vulic consecrated Dr. Patrick MATHIS as Bishop for Ecclesiae Gnosticae Universalis. 16. On February 4, 2010 Tau Samlah consecrated Allen Greenfield at Woodstock GA . Russian and Albanian Orthodox Lines and Vilatte Lineage: 1. On November 16, 1913, Msgr Paolo M GULOTTI (of the Vilatte Line) consecrated Josoph ZIELONKO, as bishop of the POLISH CATHOLIC CHURCH. 2. TIKHON OF MOSCOW, in 1923) consecrated Ivan KEDROVSKY, who on Octo¬ber 14, 1930, assisted by Bishop Theophane F S NOLI, an Albanian Ortho¬dox Bishop in exile, consecrated Josef KLIMOVITCH. 22 | P a g e 3. Nicolas BOHATYRETZ, was consecrated by Klimovitch, assisted by K Jarosevich and Bishop Zielonka, on October 14, 1950. 4. Konstantin JAROSEVICH, consecrated a bishop of the Orthodox Old Catholic Church by Bishop Christopher Contogeorge (of the Albanian Orthodox Church lineage of T F S NOLI—February 10, 1934) on January 1, 1949: 5. On October 15, 1950, the above four bishops consecrated Petar Zurawiecki (ZURAWETSKY) as bishop of the Old Catholic Orthodox Church in Springfield, Ma. 6. On July 1, 1961 Bishop ZURAWETSKY consecrated Robert ZIEGLER. 7. On June 9, 1963, Bishop ZIEGLER consecrated Francis Homer ROEBKE. 8. On March 7, 1965, Bishop Roebke consecrated F Gregory BARBER, as bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Church in the USA. 9. On June 16, 1979, Bishop Barber consecrated Michael BERTIAUX, as bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Orthodox Church. 10. On June 2, 2006, Bishop and Patriarch Michael BERTIAUX consecrated Emir SALIHOVIC as bishop of Proculus Society and Neo Pythagorean – Gnostic Church. 11. On March 9 2008 Bishop and Patriarch of Ekklesia Gnostica Pneumatica T Emir SALIHOVIC consecrated Sergije Vulic for Ecclesia Gnostica Universalis in Balkan. 12. On September 4 2009 Bishop Sergije Vulic consecrated Dr. Patrick MATHIS as Bishop for Ecclesiae Gnosticae Universalis. 13. On February 4, 2010 Tau Samlah consecrated Allen Greenfield at Woodstock GA . III. MELKITE-CATHOLIC and RUSSIAN ORTHODOX LINEAGES: 1. Bishop Anthony ANEED was consecrated by Archbishop Athanasius SAWOYA on October 9, 1911 in the Melkite Rite (Catholic) Cathedral of Beyrouth, Lebanon. 2. Bishop H. J. KLEEFISCH was consecrated at Kharbin, Manchuria, on January 1, 1918 by Russian Orthodox Archbishop Serius Stradorodsky, who later became the Patriarch of Moscow, Sergius II. 3. These two bishops, together with Charles Hampton, consecrated Edmund WALKER-BAXTER on January 1, 1946. 4. On November 24, 1964, Bishop WALKER-BAXTER, of the American Orthodox Church consecrated Demetrius F C J KING, assisted by Anthony Aneed, for the American Orthodox (Catholic) Church. 5. On March 12, 1967, Bishops Demetrius King and Homer Roebke consecrated Forest Gregory BARBER for the Orthodox Catholic Church. 6. On June 16, 1979, Bishop Barber consecrated Michael BERTIAUX, as bishop of the Catholic Apostolic Orthodox Church. 7. On June 2, 2006, Bishop and Patriarch Michael BERTIAUX consecrated Emir SALIHOVIC as bishop of Proculus Society and Neo Pythagorean – Gnostic Church. 23 | P a g e 8. On March 9 2008 Bishop and Patriarch of Ekklesia Gnostica Pneumatica T Emir SALIHOVIC consecrated Sergije Vulic for Ecclesiae Gnosticae Universalis in Balkan. 9. On September 4 2009 Bishop Sergije Vulic consecrated Dr. Patrick MATHIS as Bishop for Ecclesiae Gnosticae Universalis. 10. On February 4, 2010 Tau Samlah consecrated Allen Greenfield at Woodstock GA . cross consecrations on 4 February at Kwan Yin Temple Woodstock GA T Allen to Tau Samlah, Tau Samlah to Tau Lamed, Tau Lamed to Tau Roger, Tau Roger to Tau Ishaviva, Tau Ishaviva to +Dositheos +Dositheos to Tau Aron Tau Aron to T Allen. COPTIC ORTHODOX SUCCESSION 1. St. MARK the Evangelist, 61 2. Inianos, 64 3. Mielou, 94 4. Kerdonou, 107 5. Epriemou, 120 6. Iostos, 132 7. Oumenios, 143 8. Markianos, 154 9. Kalavtianos, 163 10. Aghreppinios, 177 11. Yulianos (Julian), 189 12. Demetrios (Demetry), 199 13. Yaraklas, 233 14. Dionesios, 244 15. Maximos, 270 16. Theona, 282 17. Petros I, 293 18. Archelaos, 303 19. Alexanderos I-1st Ecumenical Council, 303 20. Athanasios I, 326 21. Petros II, 372 22. Timotheos I, 378 23. Theophelos, 384 24. Kyrillos I-3nd Ecumenical Council, 412 24 | P a g e 25. Dioscoros I-4th Ecumenical Council / Schism, 443 26. Timotheos II, 458 27. Petros III, 480 28. Athanasios II, 489 29. Yoannis I, 496 30. Yoannis II, 505 31. Dioscoros II, 516 32. Timotheos III, 519 33. Theodosios I, 536 34. Petros IV, 567 35. Damianos, 571 36. Anastasios, 606 37. Andronikos, 619 38. Benjamin I, 625 39. Aghatho, 664 40. Joannis III, 681 41. Isaac, 689 42. Simeon I, 692 43. Alexanderos II, 703 44. Kosma I, 728 45. Theodoros, 729 46. Khail I, 743 47. Mina I, 766 48. Yoannis VI, 775 49. Markos II, 798 50. Jacob (James, Yakobos), 818 51. Simeon II, 829 52. Yousab I, 832 53. Khail II, 849 54. Kosma II, 852 55. Shenouda I, 858 56. Mikhail I, 869 57. Gabriel I, 908 58. Kosma III, 919 59. Macarios I, 932 60. Theophelios, 951 61. Mina II, 956 62. Abraham, 976 63. Philotheos, 979 64. Zacharias, 1004 65. Shenouda II, 1032 66. Khristosolos, 1047 67. Kirellos II, 1078 68. Mikhail II, 1092 25 | P a g e 69. Macarios II, 1102 70. Gabrial II, 1130 71. Mikhail III, 1144 72. Yoannis V, 1146 73. Markos III, 1165 74. Yoannis VI, 1188 75. Kirellos III, 1234 76. Athanasios III, 1250 77. Gabriel III, 1269 78. Yoannis VII, 1271 79. Theodosios III, 1294 80. Yoannis VIII, 1300 81. Yoannis IX, 1320 82. Benjamin II, 1327 83. Petros V, 1340 84. Marcos IV, 1350 85. Yoannis X, 1369 86. Gebriel IV, 1370 87. Matheos I, 1378 88. Gabriel V, 1409 89. Yoannis XI, 1428 90. Matheos II, 1453 91. Gabriel VI, 1466 92. Mikhail IV, 1477 93. Yoannis XII, 1480 94. Yoannis XIII, 1483 95. Gabriel VII, 1555 96. Yoannis XIV, 1573 97. Gabriel VIII, 1590 98. Marcos V, 1610 99. Yoannis XV, 1621 100. Matheos III, 1631 101. Marcos VI, 1650 102. Matheos IV, 1660 103. Yoannis XVI, 1676 104. Petros VI, 1718 105. Joannis XVII, 1727 106. Marcos VII, 1745 107. Yoannis XVIII, 1770 108. Marcos VIII, 1797 109. Petros VII, 1810 110. Kyrillos IV, 1854 111. Demetrios II, 1862 112. Kyrillos V, 1874 26 | P a g e 113. Yoannis XIX, 1929 114. Macarios III, 1944 115. Yousab II, 1946 116. Kyrillos VI, 1959 117. Abuna Basilios, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church 118. Gabre Mikal Kristos 119. David William Worley, 1972 120. Patrick J. Healy, 1973 121. Charles R. McCarthy, 1977 122. Joachim Ladd, 1982 123. (Ernest Forest Gregory) Barber, 1984 124. Peter Paul Brennan, 1987 125. Tau Ignatius of Alexandria, 1997 126. Tau Vincent II, Phillip A. Garver, 2002 127. Tau Iohannes III, James Foster 128. Mar Iohannes IV , Shaun McCann 129.+Shawn McCann Consecrated + Thomas Langley December 27, 2007 Calgary, Ontario Canada 130.+ Thomas Langley Consecrated + Dositheos (William Coles) July 20 2008 at Woodstock GA 131.+ Dositheos Consecrated Tau Sir Hasirim (Allen Greenfield) August 16, 2008 at Arabia Mountain GA Ukranian, Albanian & Greek Orthodox: 1. Metropolitan Heirotheos 2. Theophan Noli (November 21, 1923) 3. Arsenias Saltas (August 25, 1934) 4. Joseph Klymowycz (1935) 5. Andreas Zhurawetzky (October 15, 1950) 6. Metropolitan Nikolaus Ilnyckyj (1978) 7. Yuri (Willaim George Spaeth, Jr) (May 13, 1989) 8. Hermas Apollos (Valdiveso Matthews) (October 30, 1998) 9. Kenneth K. Canterbury 10. Shaun McCann 11. Shawn McCann Consecrated + Thomas Langley December 27, 2007 Calgary, Ontario Canada 12. + Thomas Langley Consecrated + Dositheos (William Coles) July 20 2008 at Woodstock GA 13. + Dositheos Consecrated Tau Sir Hasirim (Allen Greenfield) August 16, 2008 at Arabia Mountain GA Italian National Catholic: 27 | P a g e 1. Paolo Miraglia; 2. Jules Houssaye; 3. François Giraud; 4. Jean Bricaud; 5. Victor Blanchard; 6. Roger Menard; 7. Robert Ambelain; 8. Roger Deschamps; 9. Armand Toussaint; 10. Marcel Jirousek; 11. Joel Duez; 12. Philippe Pissier; 13. Massimo Mantovani; 14. Phillip A. Garver 15. James Foster 16. Shaun McCann 17. Shawn McCann Consecrated + Thomas Langley December 27, 2007 Calgary, Ontario Canada 18. + Thomas Langley Consecrated + Dositheos (William Coles) July 20 2008 at Woodstock GA 19. + Dositheos Consecrated Tau Sir Hasirim (Allen Greenfield) August 16, 2008 at Arabia Mountain GA Dutch Old Catholic (Utrecht): 1. Van Steenhoven; 2. Johannes Van Stipout, July 11, 1745; 3. Gaultherus Michael Van Niewenhuizen, February 7,.1768; 4. Adrien Brockman, June 21,.1778; 5. Johannes Jacobus Van Rhijin, July 5,. 6. 1787; Gilbertus de Jong, November 7,.1805; 7. Wilibrod Van Os, April 24,.1814; 8. Johannes Bon, April 12,.1819; 9. Johannes Van Santen, November 13,.1825; 10. Hermann Heykamp, July 17,.1864; 11. Casparus Johannes Rinkel, August 11,.1873; 12. Geradus Gul, May 11,.1892 ArchBishop of Utrecht; 13. Michel Kowalski, 1909, Mariavite ArchBishop of Felicinov (Polonia); 14. Marc Fatome, Mariavite Bishop of Nantes, 1938; 15. Monsignor Maas, Regional Bishop of Germany, October 9,.1949; 16. Jean Prevost, French Regional Bishop, August 9,.1953; 17. Robert Bonnet, 1956, Bishop of the American Old Catholic Church in nome del Primate Americano nella Cattedrale Americana di Parigi; 18. Patrick Truchemotte, July 4,.1970, Primate of the French Gallican Church; 28 | P a g e 19. Jaques Bersez, February 26,.1985; 20. Joel Duez, April 1,.1985; 21. Philippe Pissier, October 20,.1993; 22. Massimo Mantovani, June 5,.1998; 23. Phillip Andrew Garver 24. James F. Foster 25. Shaun Patrick McCann 26. Shawn McCann Consecrated + Thomas Langley December 27, 2007 Calgary, Ontario Canada 27. + Thomas Langley Consecrated + Dositheos (William Coles) July 20 2008 at Woodstock GA 28. + Dositheos Consecrated Tau Sir Hasirim (Allen Greenfield) August 16, 2008 at Arabia Mountain GA Orthodox Patriarchate (Antioch): SUMMARY: Succession from the See of Antioch 1. Alvarez 2. Vilatte 3. Miraglia 4. Houssay 5. Giraud 6. Jean Bricaud 7. Victor Blanchard 8. Roger Menard 9. Robert Ambelain 10. Andre Mauer 11. Roger Pommery 12. Willer Vital-Herne 13. Roger Saint Victor Herard 14. Robert M. Cokinis (Tau Charles Harmonius) 1984 15. James Foster (Tau Iohannes III), July 2002 16. Shaun McCann (Mar Iohannes IV) December 22nd, 2002 17. Shawn McCann Consecrated + Thomas Langley December 27, 2007 Calgary, Ontario Canada 18. + Thomas Langley Consecrated + Dositheos (William Coles) July 20 2008 at Woodstock GA 19. + Dositheos Consecrated Tau Sir Hasirim (Allen Greenfield) August 16, 2008 at Arabia Mountain GA
i I was consecrated by Tau Silenus, William Gary Keith Breeze in Brooklyn NY on November 19, 1988. I cross consecrated with Tau Apiryon, David Forrest Scriven in Atlanta GA December 10, 1993. I was reconsecrated by Scriven, Lynn Scriven (Soror Helena) assisting at the Scriven home in Riverside, California May 25, 1997. ii Allen Greenfield was Elected to the Episcopate by the Holy Synod of the Neopythagorean Gnostic Church August 21, 1986, He was consecrated by Patriarch 31 | P a g e Bertiaux in Chicago IL USA December 4 1993. A statement on spiritual legacy by Rt. Rev. T Allen Greenfield Please note that, as Tau Michael Bertiaux has held, since June 16, 1979, all major independent lines of the traditional apostolic succession through consecration at that time by Bishop Forest Gregory Barber, all such lines flow to me by virtue of my consecrations by Bertiaux. Bertiaux, later reconsecrated by Jorge Rodriguez, then also consecrated me. In line with MY FORMER ASSOCIATES AT OTO’s Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, Patriarch Tau Silenus and Primate Tau Apiryon, I hold that there is a distinction between, on the one hand, Spiritual Appointment and Consecration in the lineage of Edward Alexander Crowley (Baphomet XI°) and, on the other, the traditional Apostolic Succession. Both have their importance and validity. In my view, and, in having held both, I believe I can render a rather well informed and detached opinion on this. I held the succession of Baphomet as a Bishop “now and forever” through Consecration by both the Absolute Grand Patriarch of the Ordo Templi Orientis Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (November 19, 1988 Brooklyn NY). While I am no longer associated with EGC-OTO, I hold with the Augustinian doctrine “once a bishop-always a bishop” though I claim – and would have – no authority within OTO as of late July, 2006. As Tau Silenus recognized me in writing unconditionally as Bishop in writing prior to my becoming an OTO initiate, I maintain I hold the succession of Baphomet, such as it is. Others are free to disagree; nobody questions my Full Apostolic Succession, which is what counts magically. The “Baphomet descent” doctrine peculiar to the current OTO management was, in my opinion, a reaction to questions about their own Apostolic Succession, and nothing more, a silly over reaction typical of them. I also hold the Latter Day Saints succession through Bishop Conway, and the Doinel Succession through various consecrations. The Honorary Title of “Rabbi” was recently also given me by the Fellowship Assembly, which I accept in the sense of being a “teacher of spirituality” in the Reform Jewish tradition.
What Allen Greenfield Really Believes It is my own conviction that verifiable spiritual powers are demonstrably attributable to various lineages of spiritual succession, be this the so-called “Succession of the Apostles” (which descends from the ancient Roman State Religion through Roman Christianity), various non-apostolic but similar lines of succession (Latter Day Saints, Doinel Gnostic, New Aeon, et al), or blood lineages as in the hereditary Hindu Brahmins or Hebrew Kohenim, from which I descend. I profess only two fundamental convictions in these 32 | P a g e endeavors: I advocate Scientific Illuminism, or the method of science employed in pursuit of the aims of religion, and I holds firmly to the conviction that the world as-it-is is sufficiently unsatisfactory that exploration of almost any ethical “out-of-the-box” alternative, however unconventional, is worth the effort. We consider this Tikkun Olam, the attempt to improve the world as envisioned in our native great Hebraic tradition. I hold also with Tau Michael Bertiaux that “Apostolic Succession” is of value as a continuation of the most ancient priesthoods of Egypt and Rome through the Christian communion, and that special mystical powers “objectively” are transferred by consecration in these lineages. My particular assertion is that this can be objectively verified through scientific experimentation, similar to that performed in parapsychology with spiritual healers. The legend of Ormus, the Egyptian Priest converted in apostolic times to Christianity, and transforming Egyptian Rites into a mode suitable to the Aeon of Osiris is, at least allegorically, a fair hint of the orderly continuity between ancient Near Eastern religions and the Christian Succession in the Eastern Churches, making it a suitable vehicle for continuity in our times. In the Western Churches, the Apostolic Succession existed in the many currents of the long-enduring state religion of Rome, which can be traced to the early Roman ruler Numa Pompilius, founder of the College of Pontiffs and the office of Pontifex Maximus, hundreds of years before Pauline Christianity; passing through the Roman Imperial State as one with the Emperor as Pontifex Maximus from the time of Julius Caesar until the Christian Emperor Gratian renounced the title in 379 E.V., apparently in favor of the Bishop of Rome, Pope Damasus I. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, “The title pontifex was used of Roman Catholic bishops and pontifex maximus of the pope by the end of the 4th century.” The continuity from the most ancient spiritual sources should be obvious here, and its historical value in continuity for the New Aeon equally valid, all other considerations and theories aside.

i I was consecrated by Tau Silenus, William Gary Keith Breeze in Brooklyn NY on November 19, 1988. I cross consecrated with Tau Apiryon, David Forrest Scriven in Atlanta GA December 10, 1993. I was reconsecrated by Scriven, Lynn Scriven (Soror Helena) assisting at the Scriven home in Riverside, California May 25, 1997. Allen Greenfield was Elected to the Episcopate by the Holy Synod of the Neopythagorean Gnostic Church August 21, 1986, He was consecrated by Patriarch Bertiaux in Chicago IL USA December 4 1993.

(1921 Ecclesiastical Revision per Grand Conservator Docteur Michael Bertiaux)
1 (via Tau Gregorius from Tau Michael Bertiaux)
33. Sov. Grand Conservator of the Rite.
Fourth Series, Cabalistic Misraim Fifteenth Class:
78. Supreme Council of Sovereign Princes of the 78th Degree.
79. Supreme Council of Sovereign Princes of the 79th Degree.
80. Supreme Council of Sovereign Princes of the 80th Degree.
81. Supreme Council of Sovereign Princes of the 81st Degree or Supreme Consistory General.
82. Supreme Council of Sovereign Princes of the 82nd Degree.
83. Grand Tribunal of Illustrious Sovereign Princes of the 83rd Degree.
84. Supreme Council of Sovereign Princes of the 84th Degree.
85. Sovereign Council General of Sovereign Princes of the 85th Degree.
86. Supreme Council of Sovereign Princes of the 86th Degree.
Sixteenth Class:
87. Supreme Grand Council General of Grand Ministers Constituent of the Order for the First Series, Sovereign Grand Princes of the 87th Degree.
88. Supreme Council of the 88th Degree or Grand Ministers Constituent of the Order for the Second Series.
89. Supreme Council of the 89th Degree of Grand Ministers Constituent of the Order for the Third Series.
90. Supreme Council of the 90th and Last Degree or Absolute Grand Sovereign, Supreme Power of the Order.
95. Sovereign Patriarchal Grand Conservator of the Rite(1856), or Sublime Prince of the Magi(1862).
A&P RITUS M-M 33° 90° 95°