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  • Writer's pictureAllen Greenfield


On October 15, 2013 at Sacramento CA USA Blue Star Lodge, Allen Greenfield ritually was conferred 4º Degree in the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose+Croix, Knight Beneficent of the Holy City (CBCS), 8º Grand Master Elu Cohen, and 4º Free Initiator in the Martinist Order of Unknown Philosophers.”

Gnostic and Apostolic Successions, Degrees  of Allen Greenfield

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On October 15, 2013 at Sacramento CA USA Blue Star Lodge, Allen Greenfield ritually was conferred 4º Degree in the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose+Croix, Knight Beneficent of the Holy City (CBCS), 8º Grand Master Elu Cohen, and 4º Free Initiator in the Martinist Order of Unknown Philosophers.”

This document has a long history of development, beginning in the 1980s in an effort to trace my own lineages, on my web site now called “ASSEMBLY OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM OF SOLOMON-LODGE OF THE SONS & DAUGHTERS OF AARON” and revised in 2009, work done by Tau Apiryon in the early 1990s and additional work by Tau Dositheos, Tau Thomas, Tau Sunce, Tau Samlah, Tau Sir Leonis and myself, done in the first decade of the 21st Century C.E. Much standard source material has also been repeatedly consulted.

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